Mole Removal
Mole removal and skin tag removal using Electrocauter. Electrocauter is a type of therapy that uses electricity current
at a certain voltage to improve skin imperfections or aberrations.
Mole Removal
Which aberrations can be treated with Electrocauter?
- Acrochordon (skin tag): skin growth, can be peduncular
- Actinic Keratoses: an early form of skin malignancy
- Adenoma sebaceum: enlargement of oil glands
- Angioma capillary: benign tumor of capillary blood vessel
- Condyloma acuminata (Veneral Warts): genitalia virus infection
- Seborrhoic keratoses: skin wart, epidermis abnormal growth
- Syringoma: benign tumor on sweat glands and others
What is the therapy procedure?
Anesthetic cream is applied. After 45 minutes, cauterization is performed using a Hyfrecater. A wound will form over the treated area which will recover within one week.
What next?
- Topical antibiotic will be applied to the cauterized area for five to seven days.
- It is advised that the usage of irritating skin care products be ceased until the wound heals completely.
- Keep the cauterized area dry at all times.
- Do not pull or peel any dry skin that may result during the healing period.
- When healed (one week), usage of care products may be resumed.